Sitting on my old lawn chair,

looking all around me,

and into the air.

I hear a sweet sound, music to my ear;

The sound of a robin’s song,

which seemed to say,

cheer up, cheer up, my friend;

God has given us a beautiful day!

Now, I take time to thank Him,

and praise Him for each sound,

and each smell and beauty,

I behold as I look all around.

My dear friends take a moment,

and close your eyes and pray giving

Your thanks and praise everyday!

Across the road my neighbour swings,

back and forth, back and forth she glides;

much like worldly folk,

they go back and forth not knowing,

where they will end;

not knowing they need a saviour,

and Jesus is His name.

Jesus came from Heaven to save the lost;

His salvation is free for all that believe,

He died on a cross, He was buried, He arose,

and He is coming again.

Thank you Lord for saving souls;

Thank you Lord for loving us,

and Thank you for guiding us,

by Your Holy Spirit,

and all this because of Your Grace,

and not our merit.

So let’s talk with Him each day;

Put a song in our heart and smile,

as we go rejoicing all the way!

~Winston Staples


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