I went for a walk today,

through the corridors of my mind,

searching for something special;

I walked down the valley of the past,

I stopped at an outdoor rink,

put on my skates and glided up and down,

I was going so fast I lost balance and fell.

I pretended I was playing with the Canadians;

I was on a line with Rocket Richard,

Oh, what a dream.

Now I wandered into my spiritual lane,

I recalled the night in 1958,in a revival meeting,

I decided to follow Jesus as my Saviour and guide.

Since that day there has been no turning back; He has

guided every footstep on this road to Heaven, and by

His Holy Spirit He teaches me the Scriptures as I read.

I thank Him for giving the Gentiles their own Apostle Paul.

Paul went through so many trials to bring us the Gospel we

have today, that Jesus was crucified for our sin, buried for 3

days then arose the third day victorious for evermore.We have

this victory by putting faith in this finished work and receive

Eternal life and an everlasting home in Heaven!

~Winston Staples


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