
CHRISTMAS: It’s Christmas, it’s Christmas, let our hearts joyfully sing, God sent His Son to earth, His gift of salvation to bring, as a babe in a manger, not as a mighty king. Christmas is not Santa Clause, or tinsel hanging on a tree, Christmas is the gift of God’s Son, salvation for you and me. Christmas is not Frosty the snowman, or Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, It’s the celebration of Jesus birthday, the beginning of God’s salvation plan. It’s Christmas, it’s Christmas, let our hearts joyfully sing, those good old Christmas carols, proclaiming the birth of Jesus, they so joyfully bring. ~Winston Staples
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
~Ada V. Hendricks
Wishing you a joyous Christmas as we reflect upon the birth of our Savior!
The thing we must not forget is the reason that Jesus was born; His purpose was to sacrifice His life that we would through His blood have a way back into the presence of God.
~ Winston Staples


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