Christmas Thoughts!

 As I sit looking out my window

watching the traffic go by,

and listening to Christmas carols,

my mind wondered into the past,

yes, the Christmas past;

to the days of childhood,

when Christmas was special,

not for the gifts but for the presence,

the wonderful presence of family,

and the smell of roasting turkey,

and freshly baked mince pie.

Mother would make a large batch,

batch of mince meat to last the Winter;

I remember turning the grinder, to chop

up the beef and pork and 15 pound of apples;

Oh, so good smelling as it simmered on,

on the old wood stove.

Later in life my dear wife and I,

made a large batch to last the Winter.

Dad and Mother loved Christmas, as their

children do as we take time to enjoy family,

and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.

God came to earth to live with sinful mankind.

He was a baby like us with one exception;

He was sin free and came to set us free,

He showed us the way, the old rugged cross,

He endured the torture and the awful weight,

the weight of all our sin so we could have eternal life.

So my friends as we enjoy our family fellowship

now let's listen to "It came upon a midnight clear"and

"O,Holy Night" that wonderful night Jesus came,

to start His journey from cradle to cross,

to redeem the lost souls of Mankind. sadly

only a few follow Him. To you is all glory and

praise given. Thank you and love you for your

salvation and being faithful and true!

let's take time to say thanks and tell Him we love Him!


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