A Special Morning!

 I woke up blurry eyed,

I saw a beautiful sunny morning,

as I looked outside;

a special morning to kneel,

on our knees and pray.

I thank Him for His Salvation;

I thank Him for His Holy Spirit,

that guides us through our day.

The snow is beginning to melt,

soon the green grass will grow;

God will send the song birds,

to sing for you and me.

O, how I love to hear,

the robins sing, cheer up,cheer up,

wake up and enjoy spring.

So let's rejoice in God's Salvation plan,

through His Son's finished work,

as He hanged on the tree;

baring yours and my sin.

Yes, we are washed clean,

by the precious blood of Jesus,

God's only begotten Son.

By believing in Christ's death, burial and resurrection;

We have life for eternity, O, what a VICTORY!

~Winston Staples


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