Just Thinking!

I awakened this morning,

the rain pouring down,

melting the snow from the ground.

This brought memories from past years,

when I worked as a lumberjack,

We would have a thaw,

and the water ran wherever it pleased,

down the big hill and up to my knees.

Then the clouds would part,

and the wonderful sun would appear;

we would get the lumber to the box car,

and out of here and wait for next year.

In our life there are many storms,

bad storms that come our way,

and Satan uses them to get us down;

taking our eyes from Jesus our Saviour,

but God's Son and our light comes shining bright,

warming our souls and resetting our sight,

focused on HIM, the FATHER and HOLY SPIRIT,

Who teaches us and guides us to follow Jesus,

Our Redeemer and only true Light.

~Winston Staples 


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