Christmas Past!

I sit looking out the window,

Snow softly falling to the ground,

Not adding up,

because the temperature above thaws

When I was a lad,

How I loved to be with dad;

Dad loved Christmas,

And made it exciting for us three boys.

About two weeks before the big day,

We would be excited,

About what dad would leave us three,

Under the freshly cut tree.

Mother would make popcorn,

And string it on the tree.

She would make her wonderful fudge,

And we listened to the “Christmas Carol”,

Read by Jack Fenety on station CFNB.

We would go to bed, but not sleep,

We would keep dad the time,

And he would say go back to sleep.

Soon the night was over,

We ran down the stairs,

And opened our stockings,

We checked under the tree,

Looking to see if our skates,

Were there and a hockey stick too,

And ran to our parents saying thank you.

We celebrated being together with family.

~Winston Staples


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